Monday, March 31, 2008

Week 5

The wiki week has been very interesting and good to explore the variety of ways libraries use wikis. I was surprised to hear about the German survey on Wikipedia. As a user, I go to Wikipedia because it is easy to read, current (particularly on technology terms etc) and reliable, but in libraries Wikipedia is often not as highly regarded.

I think wikis could be a useful tool to receive public comment, views about the strengths and weaknesses of the library etc. The wiki using book reviews provided by the public gave me the idea of hosting a wiki for teenagers and working in conjunction with local schools - teenagers review books for their peers. As wikis are topic specific, they are useful for any shared interest where each member of the group can contribute to and benefit from knowledge and experience of like minded people.


Nette said...

Nice profile mum. You're really getting into this now! I missed what the Germans said about Wiki. What's their gripe?

oneofthelibrarylot said...

No gripe. A recent survey by Stern found that the German language version of Wikipedia was more accurate than the leading German language encyclopedia, Brockhaus. “The study reviewed articles for accuracy, completeness, up-to-date information, and ease of reading. In 43 out of the 50 articles, the German Wikipedia came out on top.” This Libraries Learning 2 is about Myth Busting! Wish more of the dinosaur librarians were doing it.

Nette said...

Dinosaur librarians! Lol. That conjours up interesting imaginings. I can see it now; the towering T-Rex with the glasses shushing the children. I think you'd be a brachiosaurus with the long neck good for surveying and looking inside your tall toy cupboards.
Go Wiki!