Sunday, May 4, 2008


I had no idea what Mashups were, so learnt lots again. I've seen and used simple scanner software and photo programs for calendars etc, so made the cube from my Flickr pics - a nice little decoration for a Toy Library collection with potential to have several and create a mobile that shows a selection of resources. These web toys are fun!! I'd like a Google Maps mashup showing location / photo of one of the local libraries which is poorly sign posted. Keep an eye on my website (link removed so not possible now) to see if it ever appears. I'll also be getting the Flickr link for special needs toys on the website.
So there's another result of doing more on the web - I've gone public, no longer the shy beginning blogger. Looked at a few applications of mashups but also interested in the implicationsWired is a reputable online magazine with current info for world citizens/web users. Do other librarians read or use it?


slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

We're glad the course has provided a catalyst to encourage you to share your talents with the wider world.

Mylee (PLS)

Pete said...

Like the Flickr pics toy. I'll have to pass that on to our storytime and toy library staff. Could be a great source of craft ideas. Thanks.